#ABtalks Special | Marriage & Kids (Part 1) - الزواج و الأطفال

Episode 25 June 10, 2020 01:03:39
#ABtalks Special | Marriage & Kids (Part 1) - الزواج و الأطفال
#ABtalks Special | Marriage & Kids (Part 1) - الزواج و الأطفال

Jun 10 2020 | 01:03:39


Show Notes

Our first #ABtalks Special welcomes Hala Kazim, Tracy Harmoush, Veronica Conesa and Nuraddin Abdo to explore their ideas on marriage and childcare. Together, they discuss and debate parenthood, pregnancy and postpartum depression, motherhood and fatherhood, balancing career and family life, and more. Is there a ‘right’ age to get married and a ‘right’ age to have children? Are children obligated to look after their parents in old age? Led by Anas, the panel of guests in this Special are diverse in nationality, age, marital status and profession, resulting in a truly dynamic discussion. Where do YOU fit in all this?

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