#ABtalks​ Special on How 2021 Feels So Far - ما إحساسك تجاه عام 2021 حتى الآن؟

Episode 77 March 17, 2021 00:54:30
#ABtalks​ Special on How 2021 Feels So Far - ما إحساسك تجاه عام 2021 حتى الآن؟
#ABtalks​ Special on How 2021 Feels So Far - ما إحساسك تجاه عام 2021 حتى الآن؟

Mar 17 2021 | 00:54:30


Show Notes

We all know 2020 was a year that changed the world, but how is 2021 going so far? In this Special on How 2021 Feels So Far, Anas, Hala Kazim, Gary Vee and Karen Wazen discuss the struggles and learnings of the past year, the impact it has had on their mindset, and what it means for us moving forward.

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