#ABtalks with Ascia - مع آسيا | Chapter 7

Episode 7 June 12, 2019 00:42:52
#ABtalks with Ascia - مع آسيا | Chapter 7
#ABtalks with Ascia - مع آسيا | Chapter 7

Jun 12 2019 | 00:42:52


Show Notes

In Chapter 07 of #ABtalks, Anas Bukhash sits with Ascia to bring to light many cultural and societal stigmas. Half-American, half-Kuwaiti, Ascia grew up experiencing bullying, an eating disorder and being a third culture child. In this interview, Ascia opens up about finding a balance between her passion and her family, how to make culture work for you and all the life lessons she learned along the way.

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