#ABtalks​ with Hamdan Al Abri - مع حمدان العبري | Chapter 52

Episode 71 February 07, 2021 00:51:17
#ABtalks​ with Hamdan Al Abri - مع حمدان العبري  | Chapter 52
#ABtalks​ with Hamdan Al Abri - مع حمدان العبري | Chapter 52

Feb 07 2021 | 00:51:17


Show Notes

Hamdan Al Abri (Abri) is an Emirati singer and songwriter prominently known as the member of Dubai-based soul band, ABRI. On #ABtalks, Hamdan takes Anas back to the early days of his childhood, to performing concerts around the world, and eventually facing the challenges upon going solo in his career. Today, Hamdan credits his parent’s support for his success in the UAE and abroad. What else does he accredit his success to? Listen to find out.

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