#ABtalks with Tara Emad - مع تارا عماد | Chapter 20

Episode 30 June 10, 2020 00:57:08
#ABtalks with Tara Emad - مع تارا عماد | Chapter 20
#ABtalks with Tara Emad - مع تارا عماد | Chapter 20

Jun 10 2020 | 00:57:08


Show Notes

Tara Emad is an Egyptian actress and model, but who is she off-stage and behind the big screen? There is more to Tara than meets the eye, and in this interview, Anas uncovers a brave human being rising above her inner voice to find self-love. Tara opens up about body image, beauty standards and the impact it has on building confidence. With Anas, she discusses insecurities, bullying and the importance of always being kind to yourself in discovering your true worth. She also describes how her mother’s constant support held her up during tough times and what it was like to grow up with an absent father. Behind all the on-screen roles, Anas unravels the down-to-earth, ‘silly’ and kind person that Tara really is; the best role she’s played yet.

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