#ABtalks x Red Bull with Max Verstappen - مع ماكس فيرستابن | Chapter 5 of 5

Episode 21 March 25, 2020 00:18:50
#ABtalks x Red Bull with Max Verstappen - مع ماكس فيرستابن | Chapter 5 of 5
#ABtalks x Red Bull with Max Verstappen - مع ماكس فيرستابن | Chapter 5 of 5

Mar 25 2020 | 00:18:50


Show Notes

In this special miniseries with Red Bull, Anas Bukhash, sits with 5 different Red Bull athletes to uncover each of their unique human stories; their real, first-hand stories behind all their achievements. Max Emilian Verstappen is a Belgian-Dutch racer who competes under the Dutch flag in Formula One with Red Bull Racing. At the 2015 Australian Grand Prix, he became the youngest driver to compete in Formula One history. He holds eight other ‘firsts’ in Formula One racing, but what lies behind all these titles? Very few people know who Max really is. With Anas, he opens up about his relationship with his family and how their support contributed to him achieving his dreams. Max addresses public misunderstandings and how he deals with them, and together they also delve into the idea of love at first sight. Does Max believe in it as he once claimed?

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