#ABtalks x Red Bull with Séan Garnier - مع سيان غارنير | Chapter 3 of 5

Episode 19 March 25, 2020 00:51:23
#ABtalks x Red Bull with Séan Garnier - مع سيان غارنير | Chapter 3 of 5
#ABtalks x Red Bull with Séan Garnier - مع سيان غارنير | Chapter 3 of 5

Mar 25 2020 | 00:51:23


Show Notes

In this special miniseries with Red Bull, Anas Bukhash, sits with 5 different Red Bull athletes to uncover each of their unique human stories; their real, first-hand stories behind all their achievements. Arnaud "Séan" Garnier is a French freestyle footballer and is our next guest in this miniseries. In this interview, we discover two sides to Séan’s persona; one that the world sees and knows well, and one that he has kept private…until now. Séan reveals the path life has taken him on leading him to where he is today; from the introverted child to one of the world’s biggest showmen. In this Chapter, Anas explores Sean’s creative mind and how it seeps into every aspect of his life as a father, son, husband and human.

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