#ABtalks with Kris Fade - مع كريس فيد | Chapter 22

Episode 32 June 10, 2020 01:07:27
#ABtalks with Kris Fade - مع كريس فيد | Chapter 22
#ABtalks with Kris Fade - مع كريس فيد | Chapter 22

Jun 10 2020 | 01:07:27


Show Notes

Kristan George Fahd, popularly known as Kris Fade, is an Australian-Lebanese radio presenter. He is the host of The Kris Fade Show on Virgin Radio Dubai, but how much do you really know about the man behind the mic? In this interview, Kris talks about what it was like growing up as an Arab in Australia and how his move to Dubai, in hindsight, has been life-changing to say the least. Kris openly talks about divorce, finding love again and being a single father to his two daughters. Does he think about the possibility of being a father for the third time? Anas and Kris discuss anxiety and depression, and also talk about their shared work ethic, the importance of staying ‘hungry’ and having a plan to keep going in life.

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