#ABtalks with Maria Dominguez & Diogo Figueiras - مع ماريا وديوغو | Chapter 38

Episode 54 October 07, 2020 00:59:58
#ABtalks with Maria Dominguez & Diogo Figueiras - مع ماريا وديوغو | Chapter 38
#ABtalks with Maria Dominguez & Diogo Figueiras - مع ماريا وديوغو | Chapter 38

Oct 07 2020 | 00:59:58


Show Notes

Maria Dominguez and Diogo Figueiras, famously known as Windoh, are Portuguese Social Media influencers. Maria is a model and actress who was also a presenter of the program Short Circuit from SIC Radical, and Diogo is one of Portugal’s most famous YouTubers. Many of our past guests have been bullied as children, but what was it like for Maria being the bully herself? Does she and Diogo believe they are representing their true selves on Social Media? If not, who are they really?

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